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11 Dec

2020 yil 10-dekabr kuni Butunjahon inson huquqlari kunida 9 ta xalqaro nodavlat tashkilotlar O'zbekistonni gomoseksuallikni dekriminallashtirishga chaqirdi. Ularning qo'shma bayonotida ta'kidlanishicha, 120-modda gomoseksual va biseksual erkaklar kundalik hayotida ular uchun doimiy tahdid tug'diradi va ularning jamiyatda duch keladigan zo'ravonlik va kamsitishlar holatlari to'g'risida davlat organlariga shikoyat qilishlariga yo'l qo'ymaydi.


11 Dec

On December 10, 2020, on World Human Rights Day, 9 international NGOs called on Uzbekistan to decriminalize homosexuality. Their joint statement states that Article 120 poses a constant threat to gay and bisexual men in their daily lives and makes it impossible for them to lodge complaints with the authorities about violence and discrimination to which they are subjected.


20 May

Kazakhstani MMA fighter Kuat Khamitov reacted to a video where diplomats showed their support to Kazakh LGBT community.


05 Apr

Within the project "Tell about the trouble" we received a message from Adilet from Astana. He writes: "Then they brought me into a truck of a car and drove away from the city, they beat me so hardly as I literally wet myself. I had a concussion, my legs couldn't walk. It was November and the beginning of December (in northern Kazakhstan winters start early and the temperatures can run down below -30 degrees Celsius)  They left me in a summer kitchen for two weeks, the room had no heating"


16 Mar Submission to the Human Rights Council at the 34th Session of the Universal Periodic Review (Third cycle, Oct-Nov 2019)


16 Jan

Recently I received an anonymous message: “If you think that you can dump just like that, then you are mistaken. We will find leverage on you. How do you like the funeral for your mother? ”


27 Sep

Ayan is 21 years old. He works as a teacher in one of the capital’s schools. He has always been a good son and a good teacher. He doesn’t stand out. He follows a healthy lifestyle. On July 28th, 2019 he was diagnosed with: “A closed fracture of the medial, intermediate sphenoid bone without displacement of bone fragments. Bruised left hand. Closed craniocerebral injury. Concussion. Bruised wounds on the head, face. Thermal burns of 1-2 degrees (from cauterization with an iron). Soft tissue injuries.” This is how it happened, as retold by Ayan himself.


17 Oct

Fortebank, one of the top 10 Kazakhstan’s commercial banks seems to follow internal policy of homophobia justifying it with non-existing legislation.


05 Sep

According to the Republican Centre for AIDS Prevention and Control there are 62,000 adult men having sex with men in Kazakhstan. Understating the real figure by 3 times the Ministry looses the opportunity of arranging effective work on HIV prevention in the conditions of the ongoing concentrated epidemic.


23 May

Looking for Patrons. $300 allow to delivier the message of human rights to 6 300 LGBT-people in Kazakhstan and to another 90 000 citizens.
